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Pondělí 27.1.
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<předchozí v kolekci Bard z kolekce jolies reves
Autor: tkadlec (Občasný) - publikováno 17.3.2002 (20:02:22)
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Some words may be singed, some words are singing themselves. Just to feel their melody..
Bon Malmot sat on a the bik rock hidden under powefull branches of great oak trees. Somebody poured a fog through the valley under his legs like a fresh milk of your favorite cow. Bon took off his dirty shoes and comfortably seated watched a beautiful sunset across a green depth in front of him.
A boy in tored clothes appeared from the forest behind Malmot's back and picked up a little stone from the ground.
" Don't do it, please, " said Bon Malmot without moving his head.
" I, I didn't want to.., " boy looked very surprised.
" I know, what you wanted. Get it away, please, " Bon didn't even stop looking at the sunset. Boy threw the stone somewhere to the trees.
" How did you know, what I'd like to do, sir ? " boy's voice sound frightened.
" I heard you, " answered Malmot, still sitting on one place. After a while of dangerous silence, he continued.
" Sun went to sleep behind old mountains and even I'm able to see its beauty in those wonderfull clouds right there, it's only a reflexion. I can see a similar reflexion of my heart's lady everywhere around, but I'll never feel the same to it as when I look to her real eyes, " Bon Malmot jumped down and looked to the boy's face, " Excuse-me, but I wanted to see all sunset. What do they call you, son ?"
" Cheerio, sir ," answered consterned boy.
" Cheerio, well, " said Malmot and left his eyes walking somewhere in far.
" Sir ?" asked Cheerio carefully.
" Yes, Cheerio ?"
" I, I just wanted to say, that I liked your songs. Very much, sir," his words sound truly.
" Let the ' sir ' be, please. I never felt like one of those sirs, Cheerio, " Malmot's eyes were still seeking something in branches.
"Thanks, sir. Excuse me s.. Excuse me. And..I also didn't believe to the words, that lot of them were saying," Cheerio was speaking quickly.
"Which words ?" Bon seemed to be interested.
" I mean bastard, devil's servant, poisonous snake, friend of witches and so on, " said Cheerio calmy.
" Devil's servant ? Maybe they are right, " laughted Malmot sorrowfully and Ceerio trembled, " Know, Cheerio, it's every time the same.At the beginning, people like my nice words, even they don't really understand them. They sing my songs with me and enjoy speaking together till early mornings, but then somebody begins to be afraid and a flood starts. People say, that I stole their secrets, even I didn't really want to hear them, and they look with fear at word of my songs, becouse they are not sure, what do they really mean. After some time I see that I should leave this place and find another one. No one really care except few fools like you. But that's a life, I heve choosen ownself and I'm glad, that I can live like this, see Cheerio ?"
But Malmot was alone without having any knowledge, when did Cheerio run away.
He looked down to his feets and found out, that somebody has stolen his shoes. This is a strange world, thought Malmot and said hello to the first star above his head.

Poznámky k tomuto příspěvku
langueur (Občasný) - 3.5.2002 > :-))))) tak v básni to ještě jde.. ale v próze? Ne! psát povídky se slovníkem v ruce jde doost špatně.. a pak se člověk jenom pobaví, i když v češtině by to třeba bylo moc pěkný..
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