three thousand was the body count in Afghanistan
raped by a democratic army.
no one has ever seen them, or recollects.
but we have the vietnam war and WTC memorials.
add two, subtract four.
my father, growing old and funny in the head,
used to go for long, stray walks
dragging an ancient, purple bobsleigh behind him.
he would drive it amongst the saplings
and venture into the forest
in search of a few naked branches
or a shadow of a huge, whithered tree.
he always strayed too far, so that on his way back,
he never knew where the bobsleigh was hidden.
oh no, messed it up again. the bombs. the bombs.
where the bombs were hidden
in 1959 in Cuba
and elsewhere.
when Kurt Vonnegut asked about the bombs in Dresden
fifty years after,
it was classified.
we will never know for sure.
my daddy knew everything about the war
and he wouldn´t know for sure.
the bobsleigh was buried beneath the snow
and we always had to wait for the spring
before its magnificent purple front
appeared out of the mud.
add two, subtract four.