Hide and seek Autor: Cobain (Občasný) - publikováno 15.10.2000 (21:26:35), v časopise 15.10.2000
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One day a lawyer tried to call one of his clients. When a little boy answered
Lawyer: Hello, can I talk you dad please?
Boy (Whisper): He's busy.
L: Well can I talk to your mom then?
B (Whisper): No, she's busy too.
L: Is there anybody else there I can talk to then?
B (whisper): The fire department.
L: Can I talk to one of them then?
B (whisper) : They're busy.
L: Who else is there then?
B (whisper): The police department.
L: Really? Can I talk to one of them?
B (whisper): No, they're busy too.
L: Let me get this straight. Your Mom & Dad are busy, the fire departments there, and they're busy. You also have the police department there, and they are all busy. What are they ALL doing?
B (whisper): Looking for me.