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2008 poslednémalten, čozomrel Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 4.2.2021 (00:10:20)
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2008 poslednémalten, čozomrel
22.1. 2021 10:11:01
eštepretkovydom somsedelfkrčme avedľaprystolýku sadeduškovédohadovaly, ktomalposlednénarodeniny. patrnepreto, abyvobjenalrundu. apretože sanemohlyspomenúť, taksom vochvýločkepauzypovedal:
"poslednémalten, čozomrel."
mójejbýstrejposnámke sazasmjaly ybalendvajaspjatich.
2008 was the last one who died
before the covid, I was sitting in a pub, and next to a table, my grandparents were arguing about who had his last birthday. probably to order a round. and since they couldn't remember, I said at the moment of the break:
"the last one had the one who died."
only two out of five laughed at my clever remark.