Před přečtením se doporučuje poslechnout si originál písně, pro pochycení melodie (jedná se o píseň od skupiny Insane Clown Posse - I found a body, dostupná je na adrese: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSQ91VIJoFM, originální text se nachází níže).
Pozdě večer z práce domů jsem se vlek,
o něco zakopl, málem sebou sek,
přes cestu mi ležel ňákej mrtvej chlap,
sehnul jsem se k němu, za ruku ho drap,
donesl ho domů, namzal mu toust,
ani pomyšlení, že by do něj kous,
Našel jsem tělo, zachovalé, jen trochu čpělo,
dobře znám, být věčně sám,
komu by se chtělo?
druhého dne zrána vyšli jsme si ven,
byla trochu kláda, jinak krásný den,
zeptal jsem se káma, zda mu není zima,
zdálo se, že snáší dobře tohle klima,
ruce jako led, navlík jsem mu pléd,
čuměl jako vrána, promodralej ret,
někde byla chyba, vůbec nechtěl žrát,
mlčel jako ryba, snad mě neměl rád,
potom mi to došlo, hned mi bylo líp,
jak by mohl mluvit, když už dávno chcíp,
pustil jsem si telku, starej aparát,
jen o trochu víc než můj tuhej kamarád,
naléhala matka, ať ho pohřbít dám,
neobživne zkrátka, tak ať se ho vzdám,
povídám jí matko, nenechám ho jít,
nadosmrti bude po mén boku tlít,
koupím formaldehyd nebo ňákej líh,
bude jako Lenin, je to pravda (kých).
Insane Clown posse - I found a body
I Just want someone there somebody to agree or diagree someone to tell me what's right or wrong, somebody to talk to, eat with, be with, somebody who cares wether I'm alive or not somebody who knows whether I'm alive or not
I was walking home through an alley way paid no attention tripped over a leg it was a dead body hit off to the side he looked like a crackhead, maybe twenty-five he looked rather lonely, both his eyes were open through him on my shoulder took him to the homestead laid him on my couch, cooked him pizza rolls opened up his mouth, stuffed them down his throat
then we went to target I pushed him in the cart and people stopped and stared, they thought he was retarded I put him in some shades and sprayed him down with axe we went in the movies and just chilled and relaxed
Chorus: I found a body, I sure as hell could use a buddy I'm lonely, I could use a homie Ever since I got out, stress has been on me, stress has been on me
I just don't wanna be alone anymore I just wanna be around somebody, I mean anybody I just don't wanna be alone
We went to Clark Park, It's my favorite place Had to shoot the birds off, picking at his face Then we took a bike ride he rode the handle bars Stopped and had some icecream he started acting hard
First he wasn't talking, then he wouldn't eat Then it fucking hit me, I found him in the street He's fucking dead, I almost forgot He has a hole in his head he must of got shot
I can't stand anymore loneliness I just don't wanna be alone, fuck
I took him to my mom's house She called him a user cuz he had my shoes on She thinks he's a loser, he don't have a job yet Got nothing on rent Pretty much everything on him is spent
I got into a fist fight, two thugs jumped me He stayed in the car chillen in the front seat Come to think about it he ain't really my friend But whatever we got I don't want it to end cuz