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Zpět na úvodní stranuISSN 1214-3529
Pondělí 27.1.
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*** z kolekce fissures collection
Autor: elena vladareanu (Občasný) - publikováno 7.4.2008 (08:05:37)

they’re probably lice. besides for about ten
minutes I watch the woman in the next bed
she speaks an unknown language
she mumbles
I see her kicking her leg repeatedly
with a piece of plastic to kill
some beetle a gluey sleep comes over me
in the second class waiting room, north(ern) railway station
waiting for the train to medgidia
right in front of you a fat gypsy woman
lifts her dresses above her head
she takes a white fish out from her sex
gives it to the controller instead of a ticket
here you have, maică, have something to pay your man with
and she throws the fish in your bra
she winks at you
I wake up wet / soaked with sweat (to liz: really wet in really a lot of sweat)
I feels the sheets the blankets around me
with the tips of my fingers
only not wake him up not to wake him up
but I wake up instead and I start to cry
deafly dryly



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