Perfect night.
říjen 2003, Nîmes (na schodech v hotelu)
So this is one of the nights
That could be perfect
No rain or snow
but decent weather
But in the game of fun
there’s no chair left
all your friends
have someone else to entertain
so you light a cigarette
to get rid of the pain
knowing that smoking
fatally damages your brain
you look up to the stars
but clouds are all you find
they’re like a padding
on the bleeding scars
but hey – ain’t no reason
to be shy – you’re all alone
and you know, that
somehow you are happy
at least don’t have
a reason not to be
you don’t suffer
you’ve had a normal day
So why feel like running away?
And all the girls are taken
and the one you like
hardly remembers your name
you’ve started questioning if her
she’s indeed the one
you want to claim
So you stand on the street
Blowing out of your mouth
that odd kind of steam
watching couples in the dark
How they cry, talk and laugh
But that’s not the state you’re in
There’s also this street-light
that can’t decide
whether it want’s to shine or not
Puts you in darkness
In constant intervals
But hell, it’s the only thing
that doesn’t say that you’re wrong
and if you try,
it might let you turn it on
The worst thing is
you can’t say it’s not fair
and to all of you
yes, I have been there
you’ve tried to find the problem
but haven’t had no luck
well, guess what I’ll tell you then:
Life can really suck, some days
Knowing that after this low
There will come an up
It almost seems that
you can’t stop to fight
and wait
when will be that day?