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Pátek 14.3.
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Laying in the sun
Autor: MrAnderson (Občasný) - publikováno 11.12.2000 (17:20:48), v časopise 12.12.2000
I just wanna keep sitting,
let the warm get in.
I could think of flying,
with you to talk beginning.

But there comes the rain,
everything´s getting colder.
But if I´m by you again,
you´ll surely feel better.

Laying in the sun, you talk to me.
Laying in the sun, it´s eternity.
Laying in the sun, I´d like to rely on.
That you´ll here stay with me,
Come across the space fading´s blue.
Withstand the force of gravity,
come to the end of time.

Who really wants to know the chords, just send a mail. But I think, without knowing the´s quite useless.

Poznámky k tomuto příspěvku
Cobain (Občasný) - 11.12.2000 > Hey...really cool thing...I just can hear some kinda melody ringing in my ears:-) I guess chords are useless without knowing the proper melody, ain't they? Some rhymes are nice, some need a little bit more work...your vocabulary seems to be rich...I'll stop jabbering right now, I'll just tell ye to keep on writing such things...I liked it:-)
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Bezletný (Občasný) - 12.12.2000 > Well, exellent piece of work! But I've to admit that I can't understand all of words, morover the sence of all sentences. Nevertheless it's surely beautiful song and I'd love to hear it!
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sasanka (Občasný) - 13.12.2000 > Shouldn´t be there the word "think" instead of "thing" in the first stanza? If not, I probably understood it wrongly. Anyway, really good!
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