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1946 ynžyňjérovy povedala ňjé! Autor: APV (Stálý) - publikováno 4.12.2020 (01:03:09)
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1946 ynžyňjérovy povedala ňjé!
21.11. 2020 5:25:25
ešteftedykedybolomošno, sombolfčéra fkafjarni ejentes anemoholsomnepočuť, akojedna, dámyprepáčja, naozajneheská, nemladá anechudážena rosprávalavodobe, kedytedypatrne bolaheská, mladá achudá, akojufšecybalyly. anajmejedenynžyňjér. stálejejkupovalkvetiny afšelyakojejnadbíhal. potemsomdačonepočul, alezakončylatotákto:
"aleholky, chcelmavlastniť, takžesom mupovedala ňjé!!!
čomyslýš, hovorylaprafdu?
1946 she told the engineer nothing!
even when it was possible, I was in the cafe a & s yesterday and I could not hear how one, the ladies are sorry, really ugly, not young and skinny woman talked about the time when she was probably pretty, young and poor, how everyone packed her . and hires one engineer. he still bought flowers for him and overtook her in every way. then I didn't hear much, but ended like this:
"but girls, he wanted to own me, so I told him nothing !!!
last leterrs:
what do you think she was telling the truth?